Detail specs of N73[forum nokia]
I bought a Nokia N73(N73-5 to be exact) on 30th November 2007.After reading the manual i found that the handset didnt support 3G WCDMA 2100.I was shocked as i had switched from Nokia 6630 which supported 3G.Any information regarding this was not available on the Nokia website,magazines,texts and shopkeepers too.A search on the the internet revealed that N73-5 is also sold in Amercia where there are WCDMA 900 networks.Selling N73-5 in america makes sense because of diiferent cell frequencies used there.While most european countries have 3G WCDMA2100 and few Asian countries are on the verge of getting 3G networks.
I will call this fraud because of the following reasons:-
1.The model name N73-5 isnt self-explanatory.N95-3 is a better phone than N95-1 while N73-5 is a stripped down version of N73-1.
2.Nokia adverstised N73 as a 3G phone.100% of the mobiles with front camera are 3G.The front camera is meant for video calls(possible on 3G networks).Even phones like 6630,6233 and N91 had 3G which have no front camera.
3.Nokia can be sued in court for unfair trade practice as the consumers were not informed about the change in specs of the phone.Nokia N91 also had two versions->with and without 3G but this thing was clearly mentioned on the package.It was clearly written on the advertisement catalogues of N91-"Non 3G version also available".N91 was sold as N91 GSM and N91 WCDMA.

4.Nokia is selling 3G equipments to Airtel,BSNL..Few of the service providers have already tested 3G and will soon be launching 3G services on getting green signal from the government.
5.All music edition phones are N73-1 RM-133 while non music editions can either be N73-5 RM-132 or RM-133.
6.The only place the package was labelled N73-5 were two stickers (one with barcode and the other with Nokia address).Both the stickers are meant for dealers.

The firmware of N73-1 standard edition can be changed to that Music edition...but i dont think flashing N73-5 with N-73-1(if possible)will enable 3G!!! 3G reqiures special chip and it must be missing from N73-5.This was confirmed from NOKIA CARE:
Dear Mr. Khan,
Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
This e-mail is in reference to the features of Nokia N73-5. We appreciate your interest in Nokia products. You may kindly note that Nokia N73 is available in different versions such as Nokia N73, Nokia N73 Music Edition and Nokia N73-5. Nokia N73 and Nokia N73 Music Edition phones support WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) technology whereas Nokia N73-5 does not support WCDMA technology.
Further, this is a default feature of the phone and cannot be integrated in the phone via software or hardware upgrade.Please access the below mentioned web link for more information on the features of Nokia phones:http://www.nokia-asia.com/A4415002
Revathi Durai
Nokia Care
By the email you sent me clearly means that N73-5 does not support WCDMA.But the feature link you sent me in the email mentions that N73(normal edition) supports WCDMA.Even on the NOKIA INDIA site there are two N73 edition namely N73 and N73 Music Edition,there is no phone like N73-5 on the site.This is an unfair trade practice and I have been fooled into buying a downgraded N73.
Thank you for e-mailing Nokia Care.
This e-mail is in reference to the features of Nokia N73-5 . We regret the inconvenience caused. We would like to inform you that Nokia N73-5 is a handset which is edge enabled handset and it does not support WCDMA and we regret the inconvenience caused due to the unavailability of the information in the web site. Please be assured that your feedback is valued and we endeavour to address any suggestion that may be raised by our customers. We have forwarded your suggestion to our Customer Feedback Division for their due consideration. Further, kindly be assured that Nokia manufactures mobile phones and accessories with focus on optimal performance, reliability and user friendliness. It is always our sincere and diligent effort to recommend our customers to take the requisite care in the usage and maintenance of your Nokia product to ensure the desired performance as that of an electronic product........usual blah blah thanks etc
Kind regards,
Junasha Barman
Nokia Care
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A number of people on many forums claimed to have converted their RM-132 to RM-133 but this wont enable 3G as said earlier.

its a strong case...so go ahead...i will file a case after my exams are over in May
last time i filed a case against seagate.They refused to repair the burnt harddisk...they repaired it afterwards.
its an official n73 from nokia....all the dealers i checked are selling n73 -5 rm 132 and they dont even know its not 3g, the only person wh knew about it was the nok docs but they wont flash it with n73-1...the dealers showed me the whole stock of n73 .. all were n73-5 except the n73-1 me.. so i ultimately replaced it with a n73-1 me ....but had t0 pay vat twice coz they made manual bils....and offcourse i had to pay the diff in price of music edition...though n73-5 was only meant for usa market where edge is more popular than 3g ,, after 2008 nokia india had been selling n73-5 models too without telling the customer..shamefull
i falsh to rm-133 its ok now enable to vedio call on my phone
Has anyone filed a case in the consumer courts anywhere? Any news about the outcome?
i has changed from rm-132 to rm-133 still the DUAL mode is not accessable..........
hey i think due to more popularity..nokia is making fool...i have also brought that phone as i was told that this phone is 3g enabled...at that time i thought that this is good in nokia and nokia is serving us faithfully but soon when i found that my phone is not 3g i was shocked to know that i hurt very much...so from that time i only recommend other brand to my friends as nokia has not taken any step in this regard....nokia is just for making money they dont care how this money came to people...and who is this irresponsible person junasha burman...he even know that how the people got hurt ......if he is saying these things he should be in court....nokia brand ...if nokia does not take step in this matter that i am going to launch a blog against nokia.....i am going to launch a case against nokia....ya now my exams are over ...and if they dont want to improve their mistakes than they should know 14-15000rs are not just a 10 rupee note that any body can give...u have no right to sell in india after this ..nokia n73 is not just a phone this is helllllllllll
HI Guyz , This is rocky r. Even I was also made fool by this phone. Not only the dealers but even nokia customer care executives are not confirmed wheather its 3G enabled or not. I was made confuse even by nokia customer care executives. This is is clearly a fraud by nokia and something should be done against it. rockytt@live.com is my mail id. If anyone is taking action against this I will also with u.
Even I also got befooled because the cellphone sellers don't know the different between Nokia N73-1 and N73-5. I purchased N73-5 and thought it as a 3G phone as it contained front camera. I have MTNL card that offers 3G facility. When I inserted the card I found that only E symbol is appearing below signal instead of 3G. When I enquired with the MTNL they replied that N73 supports 3G and they asked to change the phone to the Dual mode. When I tried to change the phone to dual mode I found that the option was not available in this phone. Then I checked with my friend who posses N73 ME I ofund the option. Then I enquired to the Nokia centre, they said the I have N73-5 and it support 3G although it contains all the features of N73-1 except WCDMA. Then also I did not lost hope and searched the internet check whether I can change it to RM 133. I found the software and flashed my mobile to RM 133. I got all the facilities of N73-1. Even Dual mode option also appeared but when I tried to change my phone to dual mode the phone restart and again come back to GSM option. I lost hope and purchased Sony Ericsson K810i which supports 3G and better performer than N73. Now I am possessing Nokia 5800. N73-5 is a very good phone other than 3G feature because its internet is faster than N73-1. Please beware and make proper studies before purchase a mobile phone.
i was also fooled by Nokia N73, i filed a case in consumer court and Nokia refunded full cost of handset along with legal charges. Case was decided in few hearings, and it took only 2 months approx from date of filing case. Before that Nokia's care fooled me for 3-4 moths with their routine reply on mails.
Nokia has packed these phones to the gills with features, and I imagine the general design ethic behind creating them was “because we can”.
i falsh to rm-133 its ok now enable to vedio call on my phone
i falsh to rm-133 its ok now enable to vedio call on my phone Mobile Prices In Pakistan
HI Guyz , This is rough r. All the more I was likewise made trick by this telephone. Not just the dealers but even nokia client conscienciousness executives are not affirmed wheather its 3G prepared or not. I was made confound even by nokia client management executives. This is plainly a hoax by nokia and something might as well be finished in opposition to it. rockytt@live.com is my post id. In the event that anybody is initiating movement in opposition to this I will likewise with u.
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